“There is room for everything in this time and space”


I could compare myself to a ferryman – it is a person who helps to get on the other side. A ferryman is like an active observer in the journey of the other person, he keeps the boat steady. When moving through a traumatic experience, I listen and provide the necessary support to his awareness, inner will, balance and responsibility for own processes, which results in maximum feeling of freedom.

As my advantage I consider professional work experience acquired in
different countries in different spheres, the ability to understand
the system and its conditions, to choose the priorities in every
society and culture - successfully align to those or keep my
focus on my unique path.
Professional experience:
Social pedagogue, Emotional Intelligence trainer - Mentor, Riga 1. Christian elementary school.
Riga Municipality Children and Youth Center - work with deviant and delicate (complex) youth, since 2017,
Volunteer work organization and coordination
with youth, since 2018, -
Adult counseling in the Gestalt approach from, since 2017.
Association “Aicinājums Tev” work with adults
experiencing different mental and physical
functional difficulties, since 2019, -
Social assistant at Sigulda municipality, since 2020.
Basic mediator training course, "Center for New Psychologies".
Professional development program "Supervision in professional work", "Riga Stradin University"
Professional development program "Supervision in professional work","Rīgas Stradinų University";
Psychotherapist education at the "Riga Gestalt Institute" was obtained in 2021;
Master's degree in Social Work and professional qualification of Social Worker "Rīgas Stradinų University" obtained in 2020;
Bachelor's degree in Management in Business was obtained in 2000.

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