What is supervision?
Supervision is consultative support in matters related to work and professional activities. Increasing professional efficiency is the main result of supervision, which can include solving various issues: awareness of professional boundaries, finding action alternatives in specific work situations, building relationships with colleagues, subordinates, clients, team cooperation, work strategies, reducing stress factors and burnout and many other issues , which is actualized in daily work.
How does supervision work?
Supervision is a process that begins with the clarification of the order - which employees and for the achievement of which goals supervision is necessary, and ends with the evaluation of the supervision process and results.
Before starting the supervision, a contract is concluded in writing or verbally, in which basic issues are discussed:
will be provided individual, group or team supervision;
what is the result to be achieved in the supervisions;
what will be the duration of one supervision session;
what will be the total number of hours of supervision;
what will be the payment for supervision, etc. Individual supervision is most often 60 - 90 minutes long, takes place once every 2 weeks for a total of 6 - 10 sessions, while group or team supervision is 120 - 180 minutes. long, takes place once every 2-4 weeks, also 6-10 meetings.
When is supervision necessary?
In helping professions (e.g. social work, art therapy, psychology, psychotherapy, career counseling), where there is intensive and close contact with people, supervision is necessary already during the study process. It must be available during study practice and further professional activity. Often professionals believe that supervision is necessary in crisis situations and when there are signs of burnout. However, supervision should be attended before such situations arise. Early identification and prevention of crisis situations is also one of the tasks of supervision. Experience and research show that employees who attend supervision on time and regularly are at a lower risk of burnout and are more empathetic when working with the client.
In business, it is essential for every organization to achieve its financial and business development goals and excellence in customer service. Success is achieved (or not achieved) by people - the employees of the organization, therefore the future success of the company directly depends on the management's willingness to pay attention to the development and support of employees. Supervision is a method - a process by which it is possible to achieve positive changes in people's performance, attitude and behavior

What is mediation?
Mediation is a voluntary process in which conflicting parties, with the help of a neutral third party - as a process, try to find a constructive solution to the conflict themselves.
Mediation is a conflict resolution process, which is a supplement and at the same time an alternative to the court process and which plays an increasingly important role in cases of various types of disagreements. The goal of mediation is to ensure that each conflicting party achieves an outcome that is in their best interest. There are no losers in mediation. With the help of mediation, the conflict can be resolved faster orconflicts can also be avoided altogether by using the skills of a mediator.
The most characteristic features of mediation:
Mediation means constructive conflict resolution.
Mediation is a process of conflict resolution through communication, in which both parties are supported to make their own important decisions and feel like winners in the end.
By guiding the mediation process, the mediator supports the parties to resolve their conflict by themselves.
Mediation focuses on the interests behind the positions taken by the parties, thereby expanding the possibilities of conflict solutions.
The mediation process may result in a legally binding agreement.
Mediation is a voluntary process.
Whether the outcome of the mediation process will be successful depends only on the involved parties themselves. It's always worth trying mediation before going to court for life sentences.
Mediation norites:
Introductory phase: The mediator introduces the parties to the rules of the mediation process and promotes mutual trust and understanding of the process.
The parties present their views, concerns and interests. The mediator listens carefully and helps identify shared goals and needs.
Problem identification:
Together with the parties, the mediator helps to identify the main problems and issues that need to be resolved.
Finding Solutions: The mediator encourages discussion and creative thinking to find solutions that work for both parties.
Reaching an agreement:
Once a mutually acceptable solution is found, an agreement is drawn up and signed by the parties involved.
Mediation can offer many advantages over other methods of dispute resolution, such as litigation. This is often more effective because it offers the parties the opportunity to participate in the search for a solution themselves and to retain control of the process. In addition, mediation can be faster, cheaper and less adversarial

Gestalt therapy
What is gestalt therapy?
One of the areas of psychotherapy based on experimental-phenomenological and existential approaches that help the client to develop self-confidence. In interaction with the client, as a person - to a person, as suggested by the humanistic approach, the therapist accepts the role of an active participant, an observer, reflecting phenomena.
The Gestalt therapy is based on these three dimensions:
phenomenological approach
existential dialogue (you and me dialogue)
field theory
I relate to the Gestalt therapy direction as it provides the opportunity to create
a unique spectrum of instruments for getting to know the client, using different
not interrelated methods and approaches, for reaching the goals set.

Gestalt therapy is a multi-dimensional approach, which is depicted in Ginger’s pentagram – in physical, emotional, rational, social and spiritual dimension. This pentagram is a holistic concept and a reminder for the Gestalt therapist in work with the client. By increasing his awareness in all aforementioned spheres, by studying, by evaluating the interaction of this system and searching for balance between the spheres.
I work with clients in need of support, solutions and enhanced
awareness in situations when a person:
feels constant stress - difficulty concentrating, muscle tension, rapid breathing and heartbeat, irritating situations that did not irritate before;
complications in the relationship (family, work) - various conflicts, low physical intimacy;
work with psychological traumas - inability to adapt to life situations, unrealized internal potential;
overwhelmed with fear;
crisis intervention for acute patients - if a close person is lost, longed mourning;
middle-aged crisis - the search for meaning in life;
depression - feels sad, tired, hopeless, apathetic;
supportive therapy - maintenance of professional dialogue;
interaction of multidisciplinary specialists (if necessary).
low self confidence
When reflecting, I highlight, "unpack", lay out and summarize the resources of the other or the group and discovered a common chain of interaction and their influence on each other for the participants, creating an impulse for effective, balanced development and operation.
Price: Individual consultation - 35 eur (50min)
It is also passible to apply for a short-term consultation
In person
Riga, Pulkveža Brieža Street 7 - 109D, Eksporta street 5
Sigulda, Pils Street 13, 3rd floor, 3rd room.
Agreeing on a definite time and internet platform in advance via mobile phone +371 29724007
Working languages: Latvian, Russian, English
What is a short-term consultation?
Short-term consultations mean one or several meetings to solve your issue “here and now”. Therefore, in this case the task is not a thorough in-depth study, research of causes of the long-term disorders, but rather operative work with destructive communication forms, conditions, correction of behavior forms, their development and creation of the chain of action of the client.
A short-term consultation session may turn out into a short-term or long-term psychotherapist’s work.
The consultations may be both individual and may also engage other persons, involved in the particular situation.
Within the framework of the consultation we review the person’s interaction with society and its norms, moral and dogmas. By cooperating with the client’s awareness, intelligence, critical thinking, we discuss and evaluate the plan of action together.
In the end the client goes away with specific conclusions, having a concept of potential solutions.
The duration of the session varies from 30 minutes to several hours.
Conversations with struggling couples
Support should be sought in the following cases:
Lack of communication, fear of being honest, holds resentment towards the other
When couples stop sharing their feelings with each other, they are more likely to conflict with each other and end up both losing. If the partner is afraid to bring up specific issues, or the partner's tone incites feelings of guilt, shame, judgment and insecurity.
Loss of trust in a partner
If the partner is unable to discuss the important issues of cohabitation with the other and is constantly looking for support outside the family.
Suspicious secrets
Lack of mental and physical availability of the partner
When you start living mentally, physically separate lives if you start living as roommates instead of a couple.
Being unhappy in a relationship can prompt start looking for affection as well as physical intimacy elsewhere.
Constant arguments or conflicts
Role plays, responsibilities, domestic disputes, disagreements in sexual, financial life.
Negative changes in sex life
If you notice that the way you express sex has changed, become less intimate or passionate.
You speak "different languages"
Partners pretend that everything is fine
You notice that your partner ignores important mutual issues or you try to pretend that everything is fine
The same problems keep recurring
If it seems like you'll never be able to solve the problems that keep on go in a circle.
You want different things from your relationship
You feel that something is wrong
If intuitive sense when something is wrong in your relationship.

Communication specialist
What should parents know before the service provision begins.
The child wants to be good for his dad and mom, even if his parents decided to live separately, and even if he is in the middle of the crossfire of his parents arguments.
Before adolescence, a child is under his parents - mother and father - custody. Parents who live together have joint custody of their child.
However, if parents live separately, parents joint custody continues, nevertheless, daily care and supervision is undertaken by a parent with whom a child lives. Decisions that may considerably affect child’s development are taken by both parents jointly. Parents’ differences are resolved by the Orphan’s and Custody Court unless otherwise provided by the law.
Parents’ joint custody terminates when either parent gains sole custody by parents agreement or judgement.
Gaining sole custody in no way affects the other parent’s obligation to support his child and communicate with his child, by maintaining a close personal relationship.
The access right is one of guaranteed human rights and one of a child’s fundamental rights. A child has a right to maintain personal relations with and directly contact either parent. A parent who does not live together with a child has a right to receive news about him and, particularly, news about his development, health, academic achievements, interests and household conditions.
When parents fail to agree upon the procedure for exercising the access right, the procedure for exercising the access right by parents is determined by the court, after having requested an Orphan’s and Custody Court’s opinion. When establishing the procedure for exercising the access right, the court may determine a certain period (weekends, school breaks, parents’ vacation leaves, etc.) when a child spends his time with a parent with whom he does not live and their meeting time.
As far as it meets child’s interests, the court may limit the access right if needed, determining that the access right is exercisable only in the presence of a communication specialist or in a particular place or may instruct that the Orphan’s and Custody Court is to be attended together with a child at some point. If the court determines that a child can be visited only in the presence of a communication specialist, and parties cannot agree upon a communication specialist or the Orphan’s and Custody Court does not accept the parties’ choice of a communication specialist, the access right is exercisable in the presence of a representative of the Orphan’s and Custody Court or authorised person of the Orphan’s and Custody Court.
The court may temporarily deprive of the access right if communication damages the child’s interests and the damage cannot be prevented in some other way.
What parents need to know when using the service
A communication specialist is an individual or legal entity that ensures presence of a specialist during communication and party to proceedings relating to the access right when child’s parents are unable to agree upon the procedure for exercising the access right. A communication specialist is invited to participate in proceedings at the initiative of a party to the proceedings or the court.
A communication specialist has rights and duties provided for by the Civil Procedure Law. A communication specialist supports and supervises, assists in communication and after a communication period determined by the court, he files his evaluation of communication to the court. A communication specialist may release both parents’ tensions and draw parents’ attention to a child if needed.
A communication specialist’s working principle is to ensure child’s right to a family instead of supporting either parent’s interests, child’s interests are the priority.
When Dad says, "Do you want to live with me?", The child will make it very clear at that point that he wants to live with Dad. If his mother asks him, "Do you want to live with me?" - At the same time, he will say that he wants to live with his mother. And he will not lie because he wants to live with both.
Regulations applicable to the service:
Law on the Protection of the Rights of the Child
Orphans' Court Law
European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Payment for the service starts from 18eur (60min) with VAT

Online consultation
I offer online consulting, that differ from the classical “in person” approach by
the fact that the interaction with the specialist takes place from a distance,
using modern means and ways of communication – computer, tablet or mobile
device, etc.
Opportunity to communicate with a specialist without leaving home , in a calm and familiar atmosphere, choosing the most appropriate consultation time
In case the customer cannot be transported, there is a virus or other illness that prevents meeting in person
If the customer is located in a far region or other country
Opportunity to involve family members and others in the session
If necessary the therapist can observe the client in a familiar environment
Possibility to continue consultations during time of travel
Efficiency when urgent consultation is required